Sunday, July 10, 2011

10 favorite things

so along the lines of my last post, i was thinking how much i love air conditioning. so here in no particular order are my 10 favorite inventions: (note that i did not list electricity because i thought it was too broad a term at this point so i picked things that might run on electricity)

1. air conditioning- i live in texas and i don't see how anyone in this state lives without it... even in the panhandle.
2. indoor heating- cause i'm a giant baby about being comfortable and every 3 years it gets cold here.
3. the modern combustion engine- because, while i'd love to have a horse to ride around every so often, you can not install air conditioning in a horse. and think how long it would take us to get places without cars
4. indoor plumbing (shower/baths)- cause not having to dig wells and bucket off with cold well water is awesome
5. indoor plumbing (toilets)- cause not having to use an outhouse or bushes is one of lifes joys. especially in the extreme heat/cold... another nod to my pals ac/heat.
6. netflix- i miss you x-files, but with a flip of the old xbox 360 remote i can watch mulder and scully in all their glory. (also good for childrens programing to keep elijah amused while i make food, feed the baby, do laundry, etc.)
7. social media- its so nice to be able to reconnect with so many people that mean so much to me but live elsewhere. being able to show the grandparents photos of the grandkids so often is a blessing.. in a lot of ways :)
8. breast pumps- because no one told me before i had kids how much engorged breasts hurt. you do not wake a sleeping baby to fix this problem- so enters the breast pump... even if one does look like a total jackass while using it.
9. surge protectors- keep a lot of things on this list running  when the thunder storms hit.
10. washers/dryers- because its hard to dry clothes when its raining outside... and the idea of using a washboard for something other than zydeco music... unthinkable!

rss 5:22pm

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