Thursday, August 18, 2011


i see other women who seem so cut out to be stay at home moms... i would love to be one of them. on the other hand i am at home with my 2 beautiful sons, that i love, and i kinda hate it. while its giving me a lot of time to get laundry and dishes done (woo-hoo?) my lovely elijah is expressing what it is to (at the same time) revert because of a new sibling and go through the terrible threes. currently ricky is having to lay down with him to try and calm him down enough to not get sick... it won't last. i drove the boys to meet dada for lunch today and half way across the overpass from 35 to the tollway and had to pull over and get out of the car just to scream... yep, thats where i am in my job as a mom. the scream when no one else is around stage.

dear g-d i hope this passes soon.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

dear hulu..

i know its probably not really up to you and that the networks make these dumb choices but i really want to watch my shows. without cable you are best option available. but having to wait a month after the air date to see usa network programing and having shows from food network seem to pop up at random (some episodes are the day after some are 4 days later) is really frustrating at 3am... just saying.

Monday, August 15, 2011

a new frustration

i've added to my list of things that truly annoy me: when elijah asks for something specific to eat and then refuses to eat it... what a waste. i don't want to use the 'theres starving children in the sudan' speech with him but there are! hell, there are starving children down the street... oh how i with this was something i could teach a 3 year old but, alas, he's 3 and not likely to understand the concept.