Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More Than...: It's a Giveaway!!

More Than...: It's a Giveaway!!: The awesomepants Mandy is letting me advertise my Etsy shop on her blog, Chocolate & Cream Cake and is hosting a giveaway ! Head over t...

Monday, July 23, 2012

the move

there are less than 2 weeks left before my family and i move back to my hometown of dallas. i'm sad that we're going to be leaving our home and friends in austin, but excited for the opportunities that we'll have in dallas- for jobs, and for spending time with family and friends that we don't see as often as we would like. we're going to have to live with my husbands family for a while- we can't afford 2 homes at once- so we have to wait for this house to sell (hopefully we break even) and then need to save some money for a new place. we've been spending a lot of of our time packing and trying to do home improvements and i think it's stressed out the kids. they are both sick (no more fevers) but runny noses and grumpiness. elijah cries about every thing that we pack as if it's going away and he's never ever going to see it again. ever. it hurts me how attached he is and that we have to say goodbye. we brought our boys home to this house. they took their first steps here. said their first words. it's sad to leave that to someone else to call their own and make their own memories in. hopefully we'll be able to sell quickly and start looking for our own place again at the beginning o the new year.... hopefully.

Monday, June 25, 2012


in case you are like me and have some seriously old business cards that you can't use anymore cause the info is so off :( and could use some shiny new ones: go HERE!
my fellow nerd mandy is having a giveaway on her blog! go like that noise people. you won't regret it!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

new things

in the last week micah has become a more prolific walker, has learned to climb up onto the couch unassisted and has started leaning in for kissed and will even grab your face if you're not giving enough... i'll let you guess which one of these things i find super adorable and exciting and which 2 i'm dreading cause its another level of watchfulness i'll have to start on....

Monday, May 14, 2012

waiting game

so i haven't posted a lot lately as things have been very busy in the last few weeks. my mom had her right knee replaced, my father was placed in the hospital for clots in his lungs (again), and micah was having some digestive problems. but mostly because all of my posts would have been about my own ongoing medical issues. last month i went to see me ob/gyn to be put on birth control and told her about some problems i was having. she worried that there was more going on than just hormones so she ordered some blood work. i was then sent to an endochrinologist. she checked out my thyroid and sent me for an ultrasound and a ton of blood work. my blood work came back saying i was "shockingly low" in vitamin d (so i have been put on a prescription for that, for now have to have more blood tests in a few weeks) and positive for celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that means i can't process gluten- i'm sure i will have to be put on a gluten free diet... but not until after i see the gastrointerologist next month. my ultrasound results came in and i have a growth in my throat about 1.4cm long (which doesn't sound very big to me but apparently in the throat, that is gigantic). they said someone would call to schedule a biopsy.... so i waited.... and waited.... and waited for someone to call and set up the appointment. i finally got fed up and called to get it set up myself (apparently they were really behind in calls). finally got in for my biopsy on thursday and they stuck me in the neck with a rather large needle to numb the area and then took pieces of the growth to run tests on. they said i would have results tuesday. so i went home (after getting a little sick when the lidocane wore off) and hung out in bed while watching harry potter and ricky took care of the boys. we left for dallas the next day to go check on my parents and see our moms for mothers day. the doc called on friday to let me know that i do not have cancer... at this time. they want to see me again in 6 months for another ultrasound and it can always change. in the mean time i'm trying not to worry about it and let my mind forget that it's there... which is hard cause my neck is really freaking sore. but that will get better soon. thanks to all of those who sent prayers and good thoughts my way. i really appreciate it.
and now to elijahs very first dentist appointment.... i'm sure there will be a story there...

Monday, April 30, 2012


lately i have complained about being tired (note the title of this blog is musings of the sleep deprived) and i figured this just had to with micah teething and being up all night but after discussing my symptoms with my ob/gyn while discussing getting put back on birth control she had me go see an endocrinologist. after talking with her and having her feel on my throat i was sent for an ultrasound and the next day i had more blood drawn for testing. after i got home from having the blood drawn i got a call saying that i have a "growth" on my thyroid and that once they run my blood they will figure out a course of action to regulate my thyroid and then do a biopsy. so now.... we wait. a lot.

we have to wait on the blood work to get back and then i'll have to get on some kind of medicine depending on what's wrong... it's still possible that something else is wrong on top of the tumor, like graves disease. and then i'll have to be on it for a while so i'll have to wait while my body regulates and THEN i can get the biopsy done. and wait around for results. at least i should have some answers soon and hopefully the meds will help with what ails me: the tiredness, the tummy issues, the headaches, the mood swings, the hot flashes.... stupid thyroid.

on a totally separate note i hate the new look of the blogger home page :P

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

10 months

micah is 10 months old today and i feel like, even though i've been home with everyday, that i've missed on his getting bigger.

when did this happen? who told my little baby he could become a big boy?! he's crawling every where, is pulling up, cruising, and has 2(!!!!) teeth!

i'm not ready. i want him to stay my little baby. but i am also really excited to see the big guy he's going to be... sooner than i wold like

Thursday, March 8, 2012

so big

took micah for his first haircut today. it breaks my heart that he's already big enough for that to be happening. something bittersweet about all these firsts because we don't plan on having anymore kids. now every first is also a last. it's the last first haircut. it's the last first solid food. it's the last first new tooth (which he still hasn't gotten) but it's exciting to see him grow up and become so big and crawl around chasing his brother but it also breaks my heart that soon i will no longer have a "baby" but a little boy. i'm not sure that i'm ready to let go of baby things... but "ready or not here we come"

Thursday, March 1, 2012


in case you didn't know, being sick is lame. even worse is being sick and having a child who is sick... thank goodness the husband is well cause sick man trumps sick anything else in the house. big babies.

i'm just worried about being around my kiddos. one of them gave this nonsense to me so i fear us passing it on to big brother. hopefully the wellness fairy strikes soon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

exciement and disappointment

excitement: micah started pulling up on things and standing on his own yesterday. i am completely unprepared for him to be a big boy, but it's really exciting to see it happening before my eyes.

disappointment: i interviewed for a job last week and found out today that they offered someone else the position. i really want to start working and gaining experience so that i can start working somewhere i actually want to be, but i am kinda glad that i'll get to stay home with the boys a bit longer.

i guess everything has a good and a bad side... like the song says- behind the clouds the sun is shining, even though you can't quite make it out. there may not be a silver lining, but there's a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


get really irritated with my beautiful family yesterday. trying not to let it get me down or take it personally but sometimes something little happens and you just want to curl into a ball and cry.
and i did.
but not for long, thankfully i fell asleep quickly and napped instead of being a big, sissy girl.
hooray naps.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


after working on some projects for some friends (and now trying to brainstorm something for the new nursery in my brother in laws house) i have discovered how much i miss painting and getting to be creative. hopefully i'll be able to set aside time for myself to do some work in the future. it's like cheap(ish) in home therapy. and since most of these were done over a decade ago i know that the therapy lives on.

 my first initial, a quilt design (for my great grandmother), puzzle pieces(life is a puzzle), raindrops (i love the way water plays with light when it rains), rainbows (Gods promise that he will not destroy his people), and butterflies (personal transformation from something that felt it had no worth through meditation and reflection into something beautiful)

husbands christmakkah gift; all our important dates. 5.7.80- my birthday; 9.10.81- husbands bday; 12.23.05- proposal date; 3.10.07- wedding; 6.2.08- elijahs bday; 6.10.11- micahs bday

'across the universe' part of a collection of space/beatles themed projects

a cows thigh and hip bones

this was a boy meets girl project called "wobbly"

"eyes" this is a pencil and paper enlargement of a photo of courtney loves eyes. i'm not abig fan of hers but the picture was perfect for this project. thinking of doing another f the boys eyes for my bedroom

"baby adam" this was created specifically for a friends baby room. on the inside it says 'may you always have what you need'

there is another painting to be posted as soon as i can get with a friend to give her the anniversary painting. :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


was it about little boys spending a day without pants on that makes them think that they are getting away with something?
do little girls do this too?
elijah is screaming about how he's having a pants off dance off... i need to stop teaching him things.

Monday, January 23, 2012


woke up this morning so super sore. i wondered if it was all the exercise, or perhaps the odd half sleep on the couch with the baby, or the odd passed out sleep in the bed with a 3 year old laying on my back.... turns out it's just lame girly-ness and i'm unexpectedly super early. i haven't started birth control since having micah but i think it may be time to look into it, just to get on a schedule. boo stupid body.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


so my husband and i have started cutting into our sleep time at night by doing the p90x workout.. (ouch, btw) and it started me thinking on what we eat. how much good is working out going to be if i'm eating caramel popcorn and soda everyday? this has also come at the same time i received my first crock-pot (yeah!) so i am starting to go through my cook book and take out all the things i will never take the time to make (hazelnut crusted chicken with gorgonzola sauce), the things that are truly horrible for us (the peanut butter and bacon cookies are staying i don't care what anyone says), and add in new things, specifically crock pot choices. i'm hoping that i will start taking the time to really learn how to cook and take the time to make my family healthy meals (but mcnuggets are so handy!) and hopefully get elijah to try new things (he ate steak for the first time last night) so wish me luck on the sticking with the fitness and with the being a more responsible, health conscience cook! happy new year everyone!