so i haven't posted a lot lately as things have been very busy in the last few weeks. my mom had her right knee replaced, my father was placed in the hospital for clots in his lungs (again), and micah was having some digestive problems. but mostly because all of my posts would have been about my own ongoing medical issues. last month i went to see me ob/gyn to be put on birth control and told her about some problems i was having. she worried that there was more going on than just hormones so she ordered some blood work. i was then sent to an endochrinologist. she checked out my thyroid and sent me for an ultrasound and a ton of blood work. my blood work came back saying i was "shockingly low" in vitamin d (so i have been put on a prescription for that, for now have to have more blood tests in a few weeks) and positive for celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that means i can't process gluten- i'm sure i will have to be put on a gluten free diet... but not until after i see the gastrointerologist next month. my ultrasound results came in and i have a growth in my throat about 1.4cm long (which doesn't sound very big to me but apparently in the throat, that is gigantic). they said someone would call to schedule a biopsy.... so i waited.... and waited.... and waited for someone to call and set up the appointment. i finally got fed up and called to get it set up myself (apparently they were really behind in calls). finally got in for my biopsy on thursday and they stuck me in the neck with a rather large needle to numb the area and then took pieces of the growth to run tests on. they said i would have results tuesday. so i went home (after getting a little sick when the lidocane wore off) and hung out in bed while watching harry potter and ricky took care of the boys. we left for dallas the next day to go check on my parents and see our moms for mothers day. the doc called on friday to let me know that i do not have cancer... at this time. they want to see me again in 6 months for another ultrasound and it can always change. in the mean time i'm trying not to worry about it and let my mind forget that it's there... which is hard cause my neck is really freaking sore. but that will get better soon. thanks to all of those who sent prayers and good thoughts my way. i really appreciate it.
and now to elijahs very first dentist appointment.... i'm sure there will be a story there...
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