Thursday, March 1, 2012


in case you didn't know, being sick is lame. even worse is being sick and having a child who is sick... thank goodness the husband is well cause sick man trumps sick anything else in the house. big babies.

i'm just worried about being around my kiddos. one of them gave this nonsense to me so i fear us passing it on to big brother. hopefully the wellness fairy strikes soon.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

exciement and disappointment

excitement: micah started pulling up on things and standing on his own yesterday. i am completely unprepared for him to be a big boy, but it's really exciting to see it happening before my eyes.

disappointment: i interviewed for a job last week and found out today that they offered someone else the position. i really want to start working and gaining experience so that i can start working somewhere i actually want to be, but i am kinda glad that i'll get to stay home with the boys a bit longer.

i guess everything has a good and a bad side... like the song says- behind the clouds the sun is shining, even though you can't quite make it out. there may not be a silver lining, but there's a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds.